Добавлено: Пт июн 21, 2002 11:39 am
Вот что я нашёл на slipstreambbs
http://www.slipstreambbs.com/ubb/Forum1 ... 02625.html
=Hibblette-See this is the very thing that was said about the ending of XWP. Someone actually said on that crazy board-"What does this mean, that Gabby and Xena can never be together, that it is wrong?"
It's interesting the different reactions.
=Dylanite-Different situations with Xena and Buffy.
Joss didn't make Tara's and Willow's relationship ambiguous. They were lovers and he wasn't afraid to SHOW that they were lovers. He didn't deliberately cultivate a population of fans with "subtext" of a lesbian relationship, then deliberately "back off of it" in response to concerns of mothers of five year olds who thought that Xena would teach their daughters to be lesbians (as IF a five year old should even be allowed to watch a show as gorily violent as xena), then back off of his backing off, and then lie in print about whether he was going to kill a character. Rob Tapert did precisely those things.
Может нежелание открыто показывать любовные отношения в XWP объясняется просто страхом,что синдицированный сериал закроют,а все эти бесчисленные намёки на то,что
-"Мы не хотим напрямую показывать любовные отношения в сериале,потому что завуалированные отношения интереснее"
всего лишь прикрытие этого?
Ваше мнение
http://www.slipstreambbs.com/ubb/Forum1 ... 02625.html
=Hibblette-See this is the very thing that was said about the ending of XWP. Someone actually said on that crazy board-"What does this mean, that Gabby and Xena can never be together, that it is wrong?"
It's interesting the different reactions.
=Dylanite-Different situations with Xena and Buffy.
Joss didn't make Tara's and Willow's relationship ambiguous. They were lovers and he wasn't afraid to SHOW that they were lovers. He didn't deliberately cultivate a population of fans with "subtext" of a lesbian relationship, then deliberately "back off of it" in response to concerns of mothers of five year olds who thought that Xena would teach their daughters to be lesbians (as IF a five year old should even be allowed to watch a show as gorily violent as xena), then back off of his backing off, and then lie in print about whether he was going to kill a character. Rob Tapert did precisely those things.
Может нежелание открыто показывать любовные отношения в XWP объясняется просто страхом,что синдицированный сериал закроют,а все эти бесчисленные намёки на то,что
-"Мы не хотим напрямую показывать любовные отношения в сериале,потому что завуалированные отношения интереснее"
всего лишь прикрытие этого?
Ваше мнение