Это не шутка:
MaryD's Ramblings - 2 April 2008
Okay so that announcement yesterday on Michael Hurst's website about Bitch Slap wasn't an April Fool's Joke
Or is it still a joke? Who knows and frankly at this point it's too funny anyway even if it's not a joke...I want to see promo pics of Lucy in her Mother Superior garb (going to school at the Marist Sisters College is going to pay off for Lucy) before I believe..yes call me a doubting Thomasina! I'm having a bob each way on this one...
LOL! Bitch Slap has been confirmed by Lucy...Susan was having a very hard time trying to convince me this movie was for real
I think she was on the verge of offering her firstborn if only I could believe her. Now being one of the instigators of an April Fool's joke, I was about to get done by one...I took a punt and posted the news
Mea culpa Susan...sorta...
Lucy has confirmed this new movie in her latest message on her site. The message reads in part:
This is Lucy's Message about it:
I also did a small role as Mother Superior, alongside the gorgeous, Renee O'Connor in BITCHSLAP, who is a naughty novice in the convent. She is confessing her dark fantasies to my character -- just as she does in real life. Ha-ha, not really. (Yes, really.) BITCHSLAP is an epic exploitation movie written and produced by Herc/Xena producer, Eric Gruendemann and directed by Rick Jacobson, (one of my all-time fave directors on Xena).
В общем люди на AUSXIP, тоже сначало не поверели, а потом нашли подтверждение в одном из последних сообщений Люси Лоулесс, подтверждение что фильм не шутка, а чистая правда!
http://www.lucylawless.info/latestnews. ... m=&ucat=1&